Lengua, Libertad!

3-day performance in Pedro Albizu Campos Plaza, Lower East Side, New York, in which I asked passers-by to help teach me Spanish. Volunteer teachers received Certificates of Appreciation from the student. Scroll down for video excerpt (4:17). Thank You! to Sandy Rivera and Alex Sandra Rodriguez,

category crush detail

Category Crush

2014 animation, 3:07 Voice: Carl Hancock Rux Exploration of “The Wayland Rudd Collection,” an archive of images of black people in Russian and Soviet culture in the 20thC. Patterned after the iPhone game “Candy Crush”, a typical ‘matching’ game, the video starts a process of sorting and

Land/guage Lesson 1

Sound and animation. 2010. This Excerpt 3:51 (Full length: 19:06 Available on request) Modeled on a teach-yourself Spanish course: Ancient Irrigation Practice in New Mexico As A Model of Social Cooperation. Note: the video begins with sound only. Thank you to the generous and extraordinary Farmer -

Welcome to America

Excerpt of a 2004 video by Jenny Polak & Dread Scott exploring brutality against immigrants in US detention after Sept 11, 2001. Images released by the Department of justice are paired with a child's voice repeating the racist, threatening epithets shouted at the detainees, as